Spider Plant
Crazy plant lady blog is a participant in the Amazon services LLC associates program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com I get commissions for purchases made through links in the post. Spider plants are a beautiful plant that looks great in a hanging basket. It is also commonly referred to as airplane plant. They produce a lot of babies or offshoots giving them an interesting look. Spider plant is considered one of the easiest plants to grow. It is very adaptable to different conditions and can handle some neglect. Light Spider plants like bright indirect light. They do not like direct sunlight, it can brown their tips and cause spots. Spider plants can grow well in an East or North facing window. If placed in a south or west facing window it will need some shade to protect it during the day. The stripping on the leaves will be more prominent in indirect light. Soil...