Easter cactus

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Easter cactus is one of three holiday cactus. They bloom during late winter or early spring. The flower colors can vary and be pink, white, red, orange, red, lavender, or peach. 

Blooming Easter cactus Easter Cactus care crazy plant lady blog blooming cactus holiday catus Thanksgiving cactus Christmas cactus

Easter cactus do best with bright light, but not direct light. They prefer cooler temperature during the day unlike most cactus. They will bloom for months with night time temperatures between 55-60 degrees and the right lighting conditions. 


Easter cactus can tolerate more water than most succulents as long as they are allowed to dry out between watering. When the top inch of soil is dry it needs to be watered. Make sure you have good draining soil and a drainage hole in the pot. Mine is in a super gritty soil. This mixture will need to be watered more frequently since it drains extremely well. Blooming takes a lot of energy from this plant and they may require more water during this time as well. Easter cactus like a little bit of humidity. You can place a tray with pebbles under it to provide humidity or you can place it your bathroom. 


Easter cactus prefers a rough or gritty soil to grow in. A 1:1 mixture of perlite, pumice, bark, or chicken grit to soil would be sufficient. I have mine in a 2:1 mixture of chicken grit to soil. This mixture will require watering more frequently. Easter cactus like most succulents are prone to root rot due to overwatering. 


Wait until after your Easter cactus is done blooming for the season to repot. Most Easter cactus need repotting every two years. They like being pot bound. You can prune them back at the same time and propagate the pruned leaves to make more plants.


Take a segment that has three leave from the plant. Wait a few days for the bottom leaf to callous and stick it in a small amount of water covering the bottom leaf 1/4 of the way. Easter cactus propagate easily using this method. Once the roots are about 1" long you can plant it.


Easter cactus need certain conditions met and a bit of neglect to bloom each year.  Leave your plant outside longer in the fall. Bring it in before temperatures get down to freezing. Water sparingly between October and November giving enough water that your plant doesn't shrivel up. By December you can move your Easter cactus somewhere that is a bit warmer. Place your plant inside in a room that stays between 60-65 degrees. Do not fertilize your Easter cactus after September. You should see bloom between February and March.


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