Spider Plant
Spider plants are a beautiful plant that looks great in a hanging basket. It is also commonly referred to as airplane plant. They produce a lot of babies or offshoots giving them an interesting look. Spider plant is considered one of the easiest plants to grow. It is very adaptable to different conditions and can handle some neglect.
Spider plants like bright indirect light. They do not like direct sunlight, it can brown their tips and cause spots. Spider plants can grow well in an East or North facing window. If placed in a south or west facing window it will need some shade to protect it during the day. The stripping on the leaves will be more prominent in indirect light.
Spider plants prefer well draining soil. Do not allow the soil to become soggy. Spider plants will get root rot if the soil stays too wet. You can use a regular potting soil for spider plants. If you tend to over water you can use a cactus soil instead. Spider plants are not too particular about the soil they are planted in as long as it drains well.
During the spring and summer spider plants like to stay moist. They prefer not to dry out completely during this time. Keeping the soil moist will encourage growth and spiderettes to form. During the winter water less frequently letting the top 1" dry out before watering again. If you see brown tips on your succulent don't worry. It is caused by the fluoride in tap water.
Spider plants is a fast grower and likes to be pot bound. It should only need to be repotted every other year. When repotting only go up 1"-2" in pot size. The best times to repot a spider plant is spring and summer. Try not to repot spider plants in winter this is when house plants rest. When repotting you will need to loosen the roots and remove the old soil.
Spider plants produce spiderettes from the mother plant. These can be kept on the plant or can be removed to make more spider plants. Use a sterilized knife and cut between the spiderette and stem. Once the spiderette is removed from the stem you can water propagate it or stick it in soil. If you stick it in soil keep the soil moist until the spider plant has a good root system. Then water it like you normally would depending on the time of year. Spring and summer the soil should stay moist, but never soggy. If its fall or winter let the top 1" of soil dry out before watering again.
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