Outdoor hen and chick arrangement

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hen and chicks outdoors can hen and chicks stay outdoors all year hen and chick care hen and chick arrangement succulent arrangement

 I bought 10 hen and chicks to make an outdoor succulent arrangement. I chose hen and chicks because they are hardy. They can survive winters in zone 3. I am in zone 6b, so they will be able to stay outside year round where I live.

I put my hen and chick in a tin pot. It will hold up well in the winter. Terra cotta pot do not hold up as well during the winter and can break if they freeze. I drilled holes in the bottom of the planter I wanted to use to make sure the soil would drain well. I always make a lot of drill holes to ensure there is enough drainage.

I also used gritty soil mixture 2 parts chicken grit 1 part succulent and cacti soil. I want to make sure that even with heavy rain the soil will drain well and my succulents will not get root rot. Hen and chicks require minimal care and do not like to be over watered. They are prone to root rot. If you notice yellow, transparent, squishy leaves then your hen and chick has been overwatered.
gritty soil mixture chicken grit in soil succulent soil mixture well draining soil crazy plant lady blog
After making my soil mixture I unpotted the succulents I had bought and arranged the first row of succulents. I then filled in with soil around them before adding the next row. I did this until I had all ten succulents planted. I then filled in any spots that still needed more soil. Once this was done a gently brushed off as much soil as I could off the leaves using a small paint brush.
hen and chick arrangement succulent arrangement hen and chicks outside crazy plant lady blog
Right now they are placed in a spot where they will receive late afternoon and evening sun. Hen and chicks produce a lot of babies when given the right conditions and soon this pot will be overflowing with succulents and will be able to make more arrangements if I want. 


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