String of's care
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String of succulents are beautiful trailing succulents. The string of succulents are considered harder to care for than most succulents by a lot of succulent lovers. They require similar care, but there are some differences.
String of pearls will do well in a south or west facing window indoors where they can receive bright direct sunlight. String of dolphins would prefer a south facing window since it provides the most light during the day, but can adapt to a west facing window if needed. String of bananas prefers bright light, but does not need direct light. Outside String of succulents should be placed in a place they can get bright light but be protected from direct sunlight. String of bananas prefer to be placed where they get partial shade. Their leaves can get sunburned if placed in a spot that receives to much direct sunlight. Neither string of pearls or string of dolphins love intense heat.
String of pearls should be watered once every two weeks during growing season. The soil should be allowed to dry out before you water your string of pearls again. String of dolphins like a little more water and should be watered once a week during growing season, but the soil should also be allowed to dry out before you water again. String ofs succulents do not like to be over watered. During the winter months water both string of pearls and dolphins once a month. If you notice there leaves wrinkling they need to be watered.
All the string of succulents like well draining soil. I use a gritty mix 2 parts chicken grit and 1 part soil for all of my succulents. Both string of pearls and dolphins are drought tolerant and prone to root rot. Gritty well draining soil is important for the health of your plant.
They can all be propagated by cuttings. Cut a section of the stem and remove the bottom leaves so you have a few inches of bare stem. Place the strand on damp soil. The whole strand is capable of producing roots. Spiral them around the pot to create fuller looking arrangement.
String of succulents produce tiny white or yellow flowers in the spring time. The flowers smell like cinnamon. To encourage blooming cut back on watering and give them a consistent temperature around 60 degrees in the winter. String of succulents need cool and dry conditions to bloom in the spring. Flowers usually last one month.
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