I almost killed it!
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I got a prayer plant some time ago. I was really excited about it too. I put it in my kitchen window, which receives afternoon light from a south-facing window. Then I kind of forgot about it. I do this with my succulents on purpose to avoid watering them too soon after purchasing. It gives them time to adjust and most of the time they have been overwatered at whatever store I got them from. The problem here is that prayer plants are not succulents. They don't want direct light all day long and they like to be watered more frequently than succulents. I realized my mistake about 2 weeks later. The leaves were crispy, curling, and dying. The soil was also bone dry. I quickly got a bowl out to bottom water it and let it have a nice 20 minute soak. Then I moved it to a spot that gets indirect light throughout the day. The leaves uncurled after 2-3 days, but it took about a week to really start looking healthy again. I did have to remove some dead leaves.
Here is what I have learned from my experience:
Prayer plants prefer indirect light, direct sun can burn the leaves. It is also tolerant of low light conditions. Mine will be fine in a west-facing window for now since it is winter where I live and mostly cloudy days. When we start getting more sunny days I will have to move it to a north window or farther away from the west window to avoid the leaves getting burnt.
Prayer plant can tolerate many types of soil as long as they are well draining. It also likes acidic soil PH 5.5 to 6.0 is best.
Water your plant frequently. Water when the top layer of the soil is dry, but don't allow the soil to get soggy or water to sit on the leaves. You don't want to let the soil dry completely out either. Use room temperature water when watering. I now water weekly and water until I see water coming out the drainage hole.
Prayer plants also like humidity if you don't have a humidifier putting it in the bathroom is another great idea. If you have any questions about prayer plant care please leave me a comment I would love to try and help you.
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