Is your Burros tail dying?

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burros tail repurposed boot donkeys tail trailing succulent

Burros tail are a beautiful plant. It's a trailing succulent that looks great anywhere. They require well draining soil and careful watering. 

Burros tail like well draining soil and are prone to root rot when overwatered. I use gritty soil mixture that I make myself using 2 parts Manna Pro Poultry Grit|Insoluble Crushed Granite|25 Pounds and 1 part potting soil. Burros tail store large amounts of waters in its leaves to help it through dry periods. Make sure the top two inches of soil is dry before watering. You can also look to see if the leaves are wrinkly.

Light requirements 
Indoors burros tail will do well in a south or west facing window. It will need to be acclimated to strong or direct light. If it is put into direct light without being acclimated the sun it will get sunburn. Sun burn looks like white spots on the leaves. 


Repotting burros tail can be tricky due to how fragile the leaves are. One trick is to not water and wait for the leaves to get wrinkly. The leaves aren't as fragile when they are thirsty. Another trick people use is to wrap them in a pillow case when replanting. No matter what you decided to do be as gentle and patient as possible.


 If you lose a leaf or two on your burros tail don't worry use it to create more burro tails. Burro tail leaves propagate easily. They are one of the easiest succulents I have ever propagated. Almost all of my leaves get roots and babies. I stick soil in a plastic container and keep it moist. Then just toss the leaves onto the moist soil. I also place them under a grow light. I moisten the soil about once a week when it is completely dry. My leaves usually have roots in 2 weeks and babies large enough to move to a more permanent container in a month. 

  I keep the soil in the new pots moist until the leaves fall off the plant. I know this isn't the typical way of doing things and the babies get everything the need from the leaf, but I have had a lot of success doing it this way. I feel like it helps the roots grow faster and stronger. It will take around 6 months for them to get to a size of a couple inches. Another way to propagate burro tails is through stem cuttings. If you have a stem that has a bare section you can cut a few inches down from the last leaf. Wait a few days for it to callous and replant it. Keep the soil moist to encourage new root growth.
burro tail propagation donkeys tail burro tail babies succulent propagation

Common burros tail problems
 Are the stems on your burros tail stretched? Are the leaves pale? This is caused by your burros tail not getting enough light. Move your burros tail closer to the window or to a south or west facing window. Burros tail need at least 4 hours of direct sunlight a day.
    Is the stem on your burros tail turning brown, squishy, or dying? This is caused by over watering. Don't worry you can still save your plant. Take all your burros tail out of their soil. Use sterilized scissors, knife, or shears to cut the stem of your burros tail above the rot. Make sure you cut off all the rotten stem. Leave your burros tails out a few day to a week to allow them to callous. Then place them into well draining soil. Wait a two weeks before watering. 

    Are the leaves of your burros tail wrinkly? This is a sign that your burros tail needs more water. Give it a good soak until you see water coming out the drainage hole. Another option is to bottom water your burros tail. Fill up a bucket, sink, or bowl with water and stick your pot in it. Leave the pot in the water for 15 minutes to allow the roots to soak up the water. 

 If you have any questions about burro tails or are struggling with your leave a comment below I would love to help you!


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